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Common failure causes of wiper assembly and what countermeasures?

Common failure causes of wiper blades assembly and what countermeasures? We know that the wiper assembly is a complete product portfolio of wiper blades, wiper arms and wiper electrical appliances. Related data shows that the wiper assembly failure is mainly at the wiper motor, which can be divided into five types. They are water in the motor, rusting of the gear shaft, burnout due to overload, gear picking and deformation of the brush holder. Let’s talk about the countermeasures against wiper motor failures today.
Water ingress into the motor of the wiper assembly is one of the more frequent failures of the wiper motor, and the water in the general motor will directly cause the wiper motor to fail. The main reason lies in the failure of the sealing ring or the unreasonable design of the sealing groove and the sealing ring. In response to this failure, the wire diameter of the rubber o-ring can be appropriately increased or plastic with high sealing performance can be used as the material of the gasket.
There are generally two reasons for overload burning. One is that the wiper assembly is overloaded and the wiper motor spindle is overheated and burned, and the other is that the wiper motor is rusted and damaged by water, causing the spindle to burn. For the first type of failure, wiper motor manufacturers generally choose to install motor overload protection measures or heat-resistant the spindle. The second type of failure is generally caused by the material of the main shaft that is not resistant to rust. It can be appropriately replaced with a material resistant to rust and water to manufacture the wiper motor main shaft of the wiper assembly.